Monday, October 20, 2008


I was so worried that I wouldn't see the scale move this week since I got so little exercise during the week last week, but I guess all that walking on Saturday helped to make up some ground. I'm down 3lbs this morning - granted that really only 2.5 since I gained .5lb last week, but I don't care. I'm stoking the coals this week with the start of the competition - I'm SO EXCITED!! I'm heading out this morning to get all signed up at the Rec Ctr. I probably won't work out this morning since we have a playdate this afternoon & I some things that have to be done around the house before they come, but Brock said he should get home in time for me to get something in tonight. Well, I've got a busy day so I better get going. Hope everyone has a great day!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for stopping by lately and leaving comment!
Three pounds is wonderful! yay!!

Mae said...

Hoorah!!! How exciting is it see that # go down? :) I ended up getting signed up for Lose to Win. See ya tomorrow night at FMCC; we'll be in the building out back (BOB).