Monday, October 27, 2008

Trying to Get Up & Going

Well, it's a chilly morning & the bed felt soooo good, but I'm getting up & trying to get me & the girls ready in time to get to the 8am class at the rec. It's the kick butt teacher again, but I figure if I can just stick with her I'll eventually not struggle so much. I'll go to Marcrom's for their official weigh-in tomorrow. My official weigh-in was today & I'm down 3lbs from last Monday. I'll report how I did on the challege on this blog, but because scales are different & my weight is different according to what time of the day it is - I'll be sticking with my official weight loss with my Monday morning weigh-ins at home (since that's what I started the blog with). Well, I better run if I'm going to make the class. Have a great day!!

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